Ep.46 Collette Corcoran on Sparking your Creative Womb Fire

France | 48 | Teacher of the Feminine Mysteries | Taurus Sun | @templedelarose

Soul Mission. . . To reconnect women to their DIVINE connection as conduits of the Gods and the Otherworld.

Song on Repeat. . . “Gypsy” by Fleetwood Mac

Books by the Bedside . . . HAGITUDE by Sharon Blackie, Conscious Femininity by Marion Woodman, The Mysteries of Merlin: Ceremonial Magic for the Druid Path by John Greer, Encyclopaedia of Magical Herbs.

A quote I love . . .I think everything in life is art. What you do. How you dress. The way you love someone, and how you talk. Your smile and your personality. What you believe in, and all your dreams. The way you drink tea. How you decorate your home. Or party. Your grocery list. The food you make. How you’re writing looks. And the way you feel. Life is art.” — Helen Bonham Carter

I smell like . . . Roses

The older I get the more I realize . . . How bloody magical we are

What makes my mouth water . . . LIFE!!

The mystery of the feminine . . . Is and always will be a glorious mystery!

Something most people don’t know about me. . I have a bulldog boyfriend I kiss regularly!

Favorite feminine practice . . . Sacred tantric dance

A place that holds my heart . . . France

Wisdom I can’t forget. . . CHOP WOOD CARRY WATER

What makes my soul sparkle . . . Life and all its mystery

Daily ritual I can’t forget . . . Meditation

I get fired up about . . .All things that impact humans, women and animals

Dreaming of a world where . . . Women are wholly or should I say holy adored and seen in all things

What does society misunderstand most about the ego? . . . That it’s something we need to get rid of!

What can the feminine principle, womb + eros do when in their full working order & fullest magnitude? . . . Rebirth the world

What does the Ruby Ray mean to you? . . . Ancient and contemporary vision, holding women in their talents and mystery, showcasing their gifts to the world

How do you utilize womb magic to activate creative life force energy? How do you work with the creative energy within your womb field? How do you activate and harness the creativity of your womb to birth your dreams? How do you channel this primal energy into creations in your life? What does the womb have to do with creative breakthroughs and wild creativity?

How are we choosing to channel our womb fires into action? How can we activate our wombs as creative vessels of divine inspiration? Womens Mysteries Teacher and Founder of Temple de la Rose Collette Corcoran joins the podcast to answer these questions and more.

We Also Talk About:

  • Psychic imagination & dream symbolism

  • Owning all our personas

  • The Womb Dragon


Jaclyn Norton

Jaclyn finds practical meaning for the mysteries of being. She brings new revelations and insights into the collective field through thinking outside the box. She constantly returns to the same mystical questions to find practical solutions & applications of them in our daily life. Find her existing in the gaps—the silence, music and dreams.


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