Ep.52 The dark feminine:a reclamation of the sacred dark with miriam ropschitz of moon body
Jaclyn Norton Jaclyn Norton

Ep.52 The dark feminine:a reclamation of the sacred dark with miriam ropschitz of moon body

Why are so many women being initiated into the sacred dark? Why is the Dark Feminine speaking so loudly right now? How do we go into reclaiming these wild aspects of the feminine? What treasures lay at the root, in our wild woman and dark feminine nature? Miriam Ropschitz, founder of Moon Body, guides wild women back to the sensuality, wisdom and magick which is their birthright.

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Ep.45: The Rose, The Thorn, and the Sword With Rachel Rossitto
The Lover Jaclyn Norton The Lover Jaclyn Norton

Ep.45: The Rose, The Thorn, and the Sword With Rachel Rossitto

Rachel Rossitto joins the Ruby Ray podcast to talk share teachings of the rose, the thorn and the sword. How do we wield our power responsibly, how do we anchor truth while staying rooted in love? How do we allow the softness in our strength to blossom? We discuss discipline and devotion, what a morning practice does for our day, the alchemy of pain and appreciation, and the overwhelming power and protection of love.

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Ep.42: The Emerald Order, Mermaids & Womb Waters with Jennifer Connolly
The Mystic, New Release Jaclyn Norton The Mystic, New Release Jaclyn Norton

Ep.42: The Emerald Order, Mermaids & Womb Waters with Jennifer Connolly

What is The Emerald Order? Are Mermaids real? What medicine do they bring to our path? What alchemical process happens between the fire and waters, refining us into a pearl? Today Jennifer Connelly, Celtic Rose Priestess, Womb Shaman and walker of the Celtic mystic path joins the podcast to discuss her embodied experiences with these issues. This is a dive into the subterranean waters of the deep feminine.

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